Photos of the Piped System Tap Stand in Muyanza

People Served


Thanks To

Love Julian Lennon & The White Feather Foundation


March 2015

Solution Type

Piped System Tap Stand

Local Partner

Water For People

Field Notes

This project was constructed at a health clinic. Safe health practices require safe water within reach. When nurses and doctors spend time walking for water or boiling that water to guarantee it’s safe, they lose precious minutes helping their patients.

The surrounding community in the Rulindo district will also have access to this water project, which means the water they bring home each day is safe enough to drink and won’t make them sick.

We are thrilled and proud to update you on our partners’ sustainability efforts for this project! The Rulindo District Water Board has been working with our partner, Water for People, to maintain the water projects your generous support helped make possible. They survey community members to make sure they're satisfied with the water flow and quality. If repairs are needed, the message can reach regional representatives quickly, and they'll work to make sure the water project is fixed quickly. We're eager to watch as this new system helps keep water flowing in this community for years to come!
