This campaign closed on Mar 31, 2018 Empire Solar Group brought clean water to Murera.

Empire Solar Group

Empire Solar Group

organized by Empire Solar Group

Help Empire Solar Group give the gift of clean water. 100% of every donation raised will fund charity: water's work providing access to clean water projects around the world.





Why Empire Solar Group is fundraising for clean water

We are so thrilled to be kicking off 2018 by partnering with an AMAZING charity called Charity: water and a portion of our 2018 proceeds giving the gift of CLEAN water to at-risk men, woman, and children across the world. ☮️

Additionally, we've set up this crowd-funding campaign to help our followers and fellow solar enthusiasts get in on the action! Share with your friends, learn more about the need, and let's make an amazing impact together!

Every day, about 1,400 children die from diseases caused by unsafe water and poor sanitation. But it doesn’t have to be that way. There are simple solutions like drilled wells, spring protections and BioSand filters that help provide clean water to communities around the world.

💦With charity: water, every dime if your donation goes to water and not into the pockets of organizers. 💦 100% of the money earned here will be used to build clean water projects, and when they’re complete, charity: water will send us photos and GPS coordinates so we can see the exact community we helped.

Feel free to contribute whatever amount you see fit, every $30 donation will change one life forever.

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This campaign brought clean water to Murera, Mozambique.

Well With Handpump (Rehabilitated)
Top Donors

  • 1
    Abby Buchmiller
Past campaigns
Empire Solar Group
Ended Mar 31, 2018
Raised $250