This campaign closed on Mar 31, 2017 Ravindhran Sankar brought clean water to Sebecoro 2.

Ravindhran Sankar

Clean Water !

organized by Ravindhran Sankar

Help Ravindhran give the gift of clean water. 100% of every donation raised will fund charity: water's work providing access to clean water projects around the world.





Why Ravindhran Sankar is fundraising for clean water

Thank you for looking up my fundraising page. We have completed our fund raising goal of $1000 ( with the addition of company matching - which does not reflect on the campaign page :( ). Hence, I have updated the page with a reduced goal. Thank you for taking the time.

Feel free to donate directly at :D

Cheers and Best,
Preethi & Ravi



We watched an interview of Scott Harrison by Kevin Rose, and were profoundly impressed by this founder who boot-strapped a non-profit, gave up his career to serve people in developing countries, spent time in Africa aiding medical camps and brining-up clean water projects. His story was inspiring and we figured we wanted to contribute in a small way too.

Clean water has greater impact than only water.
Every $1 invested in clean water returns $4-$12 for the local economy. Easy access to clean water - frees local women to focus on economic & educational opportunities. Brings more girls into schools. All of this apart from the obvious health and life saving purposes.

I was impressed by charity water for three reason:
1) Story of the founding.
2) 100% of the donation gets used for the projects. Not for the organization overhead of the charity.
3) We can track GPS & photos - the specific projects that we contributed towards.

This year with my 30th birthday nearing (shsh...!), we thought of doing a small fund-raiser. Especially as I head over the hill, and add more white hair than my poor math skills permit counting. As I rescind my right to respond to any call to the 'young men'. And I can now officially begin sentences with 'In my day.. '. The one-way march unto pertinent discussions of arthritic joint aches, bowel movements, lack of sleep & newspaper sudoku ! ( just kidding... pardon my rant )

We figured instead of spending money on an evening outside - there was probably more value in contributing towards a useful cause. So, that is all this is about. We (Preethi & I) will match every donation 3:1 ( 1:1 by us, 2:1 by Apple :) ). Every $1/Rupee counts & we are very grateful. So please take a look @ Charity Water. See if this interests you..

Thank you for your interest !
Preethi & Ravi

Recent activity + updates
8 comments · 10 donations

This campaign brought clean water to Sebecoro 2, Mali.

Water Point & Sanitation
Top Donors

  • 1
    Ravindhran Sankar
  • 2
  • 3
    Ravindhran Sankar
  • 4
    Ravindhran Sankar
  • 5
    Shankar Balasubramanian
Ravindhran’s reported impact to date

Ravindhran has partially funded 1 project.

Past campaigns
Clean Water !
Ended Mar 31, 2017
Raised $535