This campaign closed on Mar 25, 2011 Tony Michael brought clean water to Komesha 25 Ket -1&2.

Tony Michael

Tony Michael's: Christmas To Christmas Campaign

organized by Tony Michael

Help Tony give the gift of clean water. 100% of every donation raised will fund charity: water's work providing access to clean water projects around the world.





Why Tony Michael is fundraising for clean water

If YOU could save a LIFE for $20... Would you do it?

A Better Question Is... WILL YOU DO IT?

I just made a donation in my friends name who
introduced me to this powerful and important cause.

Today is December 24th 2010, the "Last Day"
this year to get a gift for someone this Christmas.

So what I decided to do was start a personal campaign
and call it, "Christmas To Christmas".

Starting today until next Christmas I've set a goal to have my friends on Twitter and Facebook to contribute and share this message WITH me.

I assure you, I will be contributing every single month
and waiving the flag too!

*** The Goal:
Provide Clean Drinking Water to 250 people for 20 years!

All it will take is: $5,000.

That's as simple as:
- 250 donations of $20, or
- Just 20 people to commit to donating $20/mo.

It's a pretty simple goal, and it's just the first
of many I have in mind and have set.

Please contribute what you can,
AND please share this message.

Thank you,

Tony Michael

*** To Make Your Donation, Click Here:

Or click the BLUE Button
to the right of my picture above.

PS: I have so many amazing friends,
I KNOW we CAN do this, and
I KNOW we WILL do this!

Thank you for your support!

*** Links to this page:


Message From Charity Water:

Christmas Reality Check:

America spends $500 Billion a year on Christmas gifts.
*** That's more than $600 a person! ***

We spend another $8 Billion on Decorating for Christmas!
Is there something wrong with that picture?

This Christmas, let's take a step back from that world.
This Christmas, let's give the greatest gift of all...

*** Let's Give People Life. ***

More than a BILLION people are living without water on our planet. Some walk miles every day to get to the nearest source: a stagnant, parasite-infested stream or pond. They lug it back to their families.
They suffer from diarrhea, worms and skin diseases because they can't wash themselves.

From Waterborne Illness ***

100% of every penny raised will go directly to the water projects. And every project is "proved" using GPS technology and photos and put on Google Earth. Together, we'll be able to see the impact we've made.

One Billion People, One Cause.

The least we can do is give.

Please join me by donating.

Recent activity + updates
5 comments · 6 donations

This campaign brought clean water to Komesha 25 Ket -1&2, Ethiopia.

Drilled Well
Top Donors

  • 1
    ben mack
  • 2
    Tony Michael
  • 3
    Tony Michael
  • 4
    Tony Michael
  • 5
    Tony Michael
Tony’s reported impact to date

Tony has partially funded 2 projects.

Past campaigns
Tony Michael's: Christmas To Christmas Campaign
Ended Mar 25, 2011
Raised $120